Review diffs, stage files, and make commits from inside Visual Studio for Mac. Recursively collapse nodes or the entire tree in the solution explorer window. CodeMaid.Plus fixes this problem by not removing unused 'usings' and still sorting and removing duplicates. Focusing on Agile programming, this book describes the best practices, principles, and patterns that enable you to create flexible, adaptive code-and deliver better business value. I've uninstalled and re-installed the extension, restarted VS Code and the Macbook. Click the download link and run the downloaded file once it's. Develop apps and games for iOS, Android and using. During the first time you are connecting Visual Studio to the Xamarin Mac Agent you will need to login. This is where some 'same but different' comes into play. If you're prompted by VS Code, accept the newest update and it will get installed (you won't need to do anything else to get the latest bits).